About library
WKU Research Library - one of the leading departments of the university, which functions as a center for the dissemination of knowledge, intellectual communication and culture. The main task of the library - the full and prompt library and information services of students, teaching staff according to their requests for information to a resource library. This object is achieved through the active introduction of new forms and methods of work, the creation of own information resources, computerization of library processes and organization of user access to electronic services.
Library West Kazakhstan University them. Utemisov been created since the founding of the Ural Pedagogical Institute on the basis of the Fund 7,500 volumes of books Orenburg secondary school in 1932 and is one of the oldest university libraries of Kazakhstan. The university library has a unique collection of old and rare books dated 18-19 centuries. Ancient monuments of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet book "Ostrom Gospel" has been rewritten in Russia deacon Gregory Greek original in the 1056-1057 biennium. The book is named for the Novgorod governor and mayor Ostromir and kept clearly in Novogorodskom, St. Sophia Cathedral, then was in Moscow. Also in the collection of rare books are stored "Magnitsky's Arithmetic," "brothers Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary", "Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron", more than 300 items of "Lives of Outstanding People '.
Fund of the Scientific Library is 1 million. 059,430 units. storage for more than 6 thousand. readers, the number of visits of more than 600 thous., Circulation more than 1 million.
The library subscribes to about 500 periodicals. It keeps in touch with the public, major publishers in Russia and Kazakhstan, the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan.
The Structure of Scientific Library are 3 divisions: Division of acquisition and processing of literature Assurance reader requests, the department of information technology and bibliography. Readers of the library served differentially 8 outlets of literature: 3 passes and six reading rooms, including the electronic reading room, the Hall of Learning.
Research Library equipped with modern computer and photocopying services, operates an electronic reading room, where users are given videoizdaniya, electronic textbooks developed by scientists of the University, methodological development tasks for practical lessons, encyclopedias, reference books, educational videos, lecture notes teachers.
Since 2000, we started to create an electronic catalog in the "Library 5.2". In 2012, work on the creation of databases of the electronic catalog continued in the automated program "IRBIS-64". Currently the database contains more than 170 000 entries. Began forming a full-text database of textbooks and scientific articles of teachers.
Readers of the library are able to use the services of a global information on the Internet, legislative and legal bank "law" of the Republican Center of Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazakh and Russian languages. Scientific Library of the University presented at the Beb-site university has its own email address www.http://library.wku.edu.kz.
Currently, the development of libraries as information centers is inextricably linked with their automation and the introduction of computer technology. In December of 2014 for the reading rooms of the main building purchased special equipment that allows to increase EFFICIENCY of the library with the book fund. This automatic non-contact identification of objects by means of radio-frequency link - RFID, consisting of RFID, magnetic cards and gate identification RFID.
The essence of this technology lies in the fact that the reader by the book on the shelf, they can self-register on the electronic library card and read in the reading room.
In connection with the introduction of e-learning in higher education library can not remain the same. It should offer a range of new services to support e-learning.
One of the most important directions in the activity of the university is to acquire op Ііpe access to full-text information resources. For users WKU open op Ііpe access to domestic and foreign full-text multidisciplinary database: RMEB (Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library), Thomson Reuters, Springerlink, Polpred, Oxford university press, Willey online Library, Taylor & Francis Journal Platform, «Elsever». This search for journals and conference proceedings in the field of natural, social, humanities and the arts, which allows to obtain the most complete data on issues of interest.