on the use of the Research Library of the West-Kazakhstan University them. Utemisov

1. General Provisions

1.1 This provision concerning the use of the Research Library of the West-Kazakhstan University. Utemisov (hereinafter WKU) is made in accordance with the standard position of the organization of higher education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №827 from August 17, 2000
1.2 Research Library is a leading structural division providing literature and information the educational, scientific - pedagogical and administrative - economic processes.
1.3 The Scientific Library of the University provides an opportunity equal enjoyment of its collections and services to all readers with any level of education and profession, regardless of gender, nationality, political opinion, belief.
1.4 Fund University Research Library is the property of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is under state protection.
1.5 This Regulation regulates the relationship between the library and the readers, and reader services, the right to keep the fund, rights and duties of the library and readers.
1.6 Use of the Research Library is free. Some types of services provided (copier, scanner, classification theses, abstracts and articles on the BBC and UDC) are estimated in accordance with the law.

2. Main responsibilities

2.1 Research Library helps in the preparation of high-level professionals possessing managerial skills in the economic sphere, in the sphere of new technologies and is actively involved in the public life of the university.
2.2 Research Library promotes readers books that make up the spiritual wealth of stores and completing the necessary educational, methodical and scientific literature, respectively specialties and profile of the university.

3. General Conditions of Use

3.1 The right to use the Research Library of the University is available to students, undergraduates, faculty and researchers.
3.2 Employees from other regions and organizations, scientists have the right to use the Fund only in the library reading rooms for three days on a temporary library ticket.
3.3 Readers are entitled to receive textbooks and other materials in the house, as well as other materials are ordered according to certain rules, photocopying, use of bibliographic, reference and information and library materials and other technical means.
3.4 home Books are issued in the subscription. The last or only copy will be issued.

4. Record Scientific Library

4.1 The first year students in September issued a library card, filled with card reader and reader form.
4.2 The teaching staff, researchers, university staff, undergraduates and other readers are written to the library on the basis of identity card (or other identification document) and a certificate of employment.
4.3 When recording to the library the reader should be familiar with the rules of library use and to familiarize with them to confirm the signature in the reader.
4.4 Each year, readers are re-registered, extending use of books for some time. Readers who have not passed re-registration, the library is not maintained.
4.5 Upon graduation, with expulsion and dismissal readers must pass all the books.
4.6 Upon receipt of books and other publications the reader should carefully check them for defects when found to put notify the librarian. Otherwise, the return of the responsibility of the last reader, who took the book.
4.7 Readers who have lost their books, have violated the rules or who caused damage to the library, subject to administrative, financial or criminal liability under the Statute of the University and the Library Rules.
4.8 When damage and loss of literature the reader must replace the book exactly the same edition or equivalent. Otherwise, he pays the market value. Timing the return of lost or damaged books defines the library director.

5. Rules subscriptions

5.1 The right to use subscriptions available to students studying at the university, and the university staff.
5.2 Books are issued on the basis of the reader's subscription form here.
5.3 In the house of the book with the subscription are issued on the following dates:
5.3.1 Textbooks and teaching literature is valid for one semester. If necessary, the book can be extended until the end of the school year.
5.3.2 The scientific literature is given in the amount of 5 - 7 copies for one month.
5.3.3 Literature in the amount of 3 - 5 copies for one month.
5.4 The term of extended use of books, if they do not demand of other readers. If demand is high, the period of use is reduced. The reader will not last books, deprived of the right to use the library for a specified period.
5.5 For each take the book, the reader fills in the book form: indicate the date, name, profession, group.

6. Rules reading rooms

6.1 The readers have the right to be served in the reading rooms, reference and bibliographic department, periodicals reading room, a hall of electronic textbooks.
6.2 To use the reading rooms, students and staff placing librarian library card.
6.3 Rare books, abstracts of theses, dissertations, research reports -
research use only in the walls of the reading rooms.
6.4 To work with the thesis, reports on scientific - research work, official literature must provide a written authorization vice-rector for scientific work.
6.5 Theses on photocopying are not issued, permitted only to rewrite the introduction, five sheets of work, conclusion and list of references.
6.6 Readers can make books and periodicals from the reading room only with the permission of the librarian.
6.7 Reference, information and valuable editions of the rooms are not issued to photocopy.
6.8 When using the electronic catalog list of references can be accessed through the printer, and flashkami, CD, DVD - drives use is prohibited.

7. Rights of readers

7.1 Readers of the library have the right to choose the departments needs and desired.
7.2 The readers have the right to be served in the state, Russian and foreign languages.
7.3 Readers are entitled to use the services listed below:
7.3.1 Get information about publications from the fund.
7.3.2 Get information on how to use the catalogs, card indexes.
7.3.3 Get books from the library for temporary use.
7.3.4 Use the services of reference - bibliographic department, a traditional catalog and electronic literature search.
7.3.5 To get acquainted with the exhibition of new acquisitions.
7.3.6 As allowed pro-rector for scientific work to engage with the special literature (published for official use, dissertations).
7.3.7 The use of the documents in electronic form only in the reading rooms. Electronic textbooks are not issued on the house.

8. Duties and Responsibilities readers

8.1 Readers are required to abide by the rules of library use.
8.2 To books from the library, readers should be treated carefully, to return them on time, without the permission of the librarian not to make the publication of the fund reading rooms, reference and bibliographic department, department of electronic textbooks. Not allowed to underline text, make notes in books, bend page, pull the card out of catalog drawers.
8.3 For the literature in the departments of the library reader is obliged to present a library card. In each edition of the book formulary reader should record the date of the day the capture, name, initials, and specialty group.
8.4 Upon receipt books and defects that the reader should report it to the librarian. The librarian should make a note.
8.5 Readers who violate the rules and harmed, deprived of the right to use the library, according to the Rules and prosecuted.
8.6 The reader is lost or spoiled book is obliged to return the same publication, or to make 2-3 editions recognized by library equivalent in content and price.
8.7 Readers broke the rules established by the Council Library, deprived of the right to use. Each case is considered individually violations, but the sentence should not exceed 6 months.
8.8 Each year, the reader has to re-register subscriptions and reading rooms. Readers who have not passed re-registration, the library is not maintained. If the reader has to re-settle the debts, commitments to extend earlier books. Readers who do not pay it back, can not use the library. Outstanding issues for readers' debts Library sends to the dean's office or place of work.
8.9 The reading rooms need to be quiet, and to obey the order of the internal regulations.
8.10 Readers do not have the right:
8.10.1 entrance to the library at the top of clothing.
8.10.2 to break the silence and order in parts of the library.
8.10.3 The use of cellular telephones in the departments of the library.
8.10.4 Stake publication without permission and verification of library staff, and literature, the reader is not marked.
8.10.5 harms publications library: make notes on books, tear out the page, fold sheets, etc.
8.10.6 card is withdrawn from the card files and directories, in alphabetical order violate the location index cards, make a mark in the cards.
8.10.7 Without permission to enter the employment of staff and the Library.
8.10.8 DO NOT go to the library with other books, newspapers - magazines, individual works and other printed publications, with cutting tools, glue, briefcases, shopping bags small amount of 30h25 cm, opaque plastic bags with clothes and food.
08.10.10 You may not transfer your library card to whom - or any other use of the library card.
8.11 Readers are obliged to cherish and preserve library furniture, technical equipment, audio-visual materials, to be able to properly use traditional and electronic catalogs.

9. Rights of the Scientific Library

9.1 University Research Library serves the readers according to the Regulations and Rules of library use.
9.2 Research Library has the right to:
9.2.1 Identify the contents of the library of professional higher education institution in accordance with the objectives and tasks of libraries.
9.2.2 handling the personnel issue.
9.2.3 To approve the organizational and administrative documents, and processing instructions.
9.2.4 Monitor the timely return of literature.
9.2.5 foreclose readers who violate the rules of the library.
9.2.6 Identify the guaranteed price of rare, valuable and approved by the Board of the University of methodological documents.
9.2.7 The library has the right to determine the market value of lost or damaged media readers that caused damage to the fund, in accordance with the rules of the library.
9.2.8 In order to develop social and creative, commercial and economic level of the library to expand its range of services to readers, if it does not prevent service.
9.2.9 Define the terms of use publications.
9.2.10 Liaise with international, national and municipal libraries, the exchange fund to participate in the library and other activities.
9.2.11 independently determine acquisition fund.
9.2.12 exclude documents from the fund in accordance with regulatory and legal acts.
9.3.1 guide the work of the humanistic, political and ideological.
9.3.2 observe neutrality in respect of political parties and social movements.
9.3.3 provides readers with the opportunity to use all the funds of the library.
9.3.4 to create the necessary conditions for the readers.
9.3.5 to acquaint readers with all kinds of services.
9.3.6 To promote the collection of the library, and all kinds of services, to instill interest in books of all students and staff.
9.3.7 Analyze the requirements of readers, and if possible, to satisfy their requests.
9.3.8 To develop library and information services using the new technology and the use of new forms of work.
9.3.9 To impart students with an interest in self-improvement and self-education.
9.3.10 To increase the culture of reading and bibliographic knowledge-based library - bibliographical studies, oral advice and recommendations.
9.3.11 To report on progress to the Council of the University and readers.
9.3.12 Be responsible for the safety of the fund, which is part of the national cultural wealth, to monitor the timely return books checked out, and only after the date of issue other books combined.
9.3.13 At the end of the school year, the readers must pass all its books to a certain period specified library, and sign the final clearance. Otherwise case, the library has the right to request the book in accordance with the Terms of Use. Readers who have not signed the final clearance in June - July, have no right to use the library in September.
9.4 Employees of the Scientific Library must:
9.4.1. Store, keep track of and withdrawal from the fund of publications in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
9.4.2. Responsibility during the inspection of the Fund are librarians department, they restore lost or replaced by their equivalent in cost and content, otherwise retained at least 30% of the amount of average monthly salary librarian.